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Status Not under consideration
Categories Functional Tester
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 10, 2014

Request to Create API to Delete browser cache for IE

System:IBM Kenexa Brassring on Cloud.

Actor: Automation Team requiring this feature.
We are currently using SILK Test and Planning to migrate to RFT. In
SilkTest we have something like BrowserPage.Flushcache () in- built. We would like to see similar API available in RFT as well.

Description:In RFT we do have API for Delete Browser Cookie but could not locate
anything to Delete Browser Cache.In Our application , we need to
Clear/flush browser cache very frequently and we need to use it in
between the script.So It would be great if a API is provided to clear
the browser cache. We test in Internet Explorer mostly and FF as well.

Idea priority High
RFE ID 50713
RFE Product Rational Functional Tester
  • Guest
    Apr 13, 2022

    As part of the review process, we strive to be transparent about our intentions with each enhancement suggestion. The offering team has carefully reviewed this idea and has decided that it does not fit into our current plans, so the idea will be closed. The idea will be kept in IBM's ideas repository and may still be voted on. It might be reassessed or reopened for additional feedback in the future. We value your feedback and thank you for allowing us the privilege of partnering with you in developing our products.

  • Guest
    Feb 18, 2021

    A preliminary evaluation of this request indicates that it is consistent with our business strategy. Further evaluation of this RFE is underway.

  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2021

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your ideas to IBM. We truly value our relationship with you and appreciate your willingness to share details about your experience, your recommendations, and ideas.

    I am sorry to inform you that our team has evaluated the request and has determined that it cannot be implemented at this time. In part, this is due to the length of time it has taken for us to review your idea, for which we apologize. This has not been good enough and we want to do much better going forward. If you believe that your request is still relevant to your business please submit a new idea using the following developerWorks RFE submission link:

    Please feel free to reach out to me if you require any further clarification of any of the items discussed above.

    Many thanks again for your understanding.

    Kind regards,
    Suhas Kashyap

  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2015

    Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
    Brand - WebSphere
    Product family - Application Platform
    Product - Functional Tester

    For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
    Brand - Rational
    Product family - Product & application lifecycle management
    Product - Functional Tester

  • Guest
    May 26, 2014

    Although the theme of this request is consistent with our business strategy, it is not committed to the release that is currently under development.