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WebSphere Liberty

Showing 81

Support for SOAP over JMS for transporting web service messages on Liberty Server

We ( need support for the W3C Standard SOAP over JMS as we are migrating from WAS to Liberty and alot of our applications are using exactly this protocol. Liberty doesn't support this protocol, however WAS does. Refer to WAS document...
over 6 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

pluginConfiguration - functionality to change the LogLevel during plugin generation

We are running Liberty z/OS and we would like to set the Loglevel in logs/state/plugin-cfg.xml file p...
almost 3 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 1 Future consideration

WebSphere Liberty should make cookie path attribute of ssoCookie configurable

The SSOCookie of WebSphere Application Server Liberty known as LtpaToken2 cookie is issued with a static path attribute value of '/'. We would like make this attribute configurable like it is the case for the HttpOnly or Secure flag and is impleme...
over 8 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

EJB IIOP WLM for Liberty Profile

Provide EJB IIOP WLM/failover for Liberty profile
about 9 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 2 Future consideration

Allow usage of z/OSMF JWT tokens by multiple sessions using the same user ID

We are using new APIs to obtain JWT tokens (/zosmf/services/authenticate) from our automated scripts that use other z/OSMF REST APIs with the obtained. After the script completes, it calls the DELETE method to invalidate the token that it obtained...
about 4 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

Liberty thin client for JMS

Our product uses the JMS support within Liberty to publish messages that can be subscribed to by clients (Eclipse plug-in or Ant build) to get feedback on long running processes. Currently we rely on the WAS thin client for JMS to provide this cap...
about 4 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

Liberty zOS - add capability to selectivity use mapDistributedIdentities via TAI

Provide way to let Liberty on zOS be configured so that can selectivity specify that some validated users are mapped to RACF but others use other security set up in Liberty such as an external LDAP Further detail: Provide a way to set up the Liber...
about 5 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

Expose messaging engine metrics to mpMetrics/micrometer

The messaging engine contains a lot of capabilities which can be exposed via mpMetrics. Example: There is a file store configuration associated. The level of space used would be an appropriate metrics and probably the most valuable one. Other metr...
over 2 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

Mapping of a role in a JWT token to a technical user ID in SAF/RACF

As of today only WebSphere Liberty on z/OS and z/OS Connect EE (which is also based on WebSphere Liberty on z/OS) can only map the distributed user ID in a JWT token to a mainframe user ID in SAF/RACF. This is a problem when there is no equivalent...
almost 2 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 0 Future consideration

Enhance liberty to recover from EDC5122I Input/output error. (errno2=0x12AA044F)

TCP socket the Liberty is listening on becomes unusable. This causes connection attempts to the Liberty server to fail. This can happen when the z/OS system is running in a CINET environment (to be able run multiple TCPIP stacks) versus an INET en...
about 3 years ago in WebSphere Liberty 1 Future consideration